wash away the taboo

LOLA MullenLowe
︎Art Direction, Design
Persil’s global research revealed that people around the world were struggling with one common stain: menstrual blood. Even though most people agree on the fact that this stain is natural, 72% feel embarrassed of it. The fear of getting a stain leads women to miss social events, sport activities and even school classes.

That’s why removing the stain wasn’t enough. Persil launched “Let’s wash away the taboo”, a campaign to normalise period stains. In partnership with though-provoke photographer Sophie Ebrard, we invited “anyone menstruating” to be part of a unique shoot, where we were able to capture their real period stains.

After 20 years of advocating for Dirt Is Good, Persil decided to face the toughest stain of all.

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