LOLA MullenLowe

Art Direction, Design


We launched an initiative to encourage thousands of avatars to break free from the metaverse and enjoy real ice cream in the physical world.

Everyone should be able to pursue what truly brings them pleasure, whether this be in the real or virtual world.

Magnum Pleasureverse features a virtual avatar, Luna, and her journey in pursuit of the pleasure of a Magnum Ice Cream. Unfortunately, some things are only available to Pleasure Seekers in the real world…

We developed the entire visual world of Pleasureverse, from the character's name to the custom typography, color palettes, and other visual elements.Eurobest
Bronze - Film | Not Available In the Metaverse

El Sol
Gold - Film | Not Available In the Metaverse
Gold - Production | Not Available In the Metaverse
Silver - Production | Not Available In the Metaverse




+34 673467304